We need to do things better.
With RapidSpec you can find any doorsets’ details from any customer and any project in 15 seconds. No more trips to the filing cabinet or sorting through paperwork on a desk, it’s all right in front of you on your screen immediately. No more “Give me a couple of minutes” or “I’ll call you back” only to find that the contact has gone to lunch or even on holiday. With RapidSpec everything is instant. Find the doorset in question, confirm details, make changes, delete or duplicate a doorsets and send your customer a new drawing or an entire project while they are still on the telephone. In the eyes of your customers that is smart! And often that is all it needs to push an order in your direction.
Our clients tell us that their customers are asking for the (RapidSpec) drawing quote. They don’t want to see the old style spread sheet schedule because RapidSpec’s quotations include all of the auto-generated doorset drawings. It looks like you have spent weeks on a document that has taken longer to print than to produce. You’re making your customers life easy and that means more orders and more money!